Integrating climate with overall risk The ERM process includes an assessment of climate-related risks, both physical and transitional. Risk management for changing climate conditions is addressed at the local, regional and global levels. Evaluation of physical risk Engaging responsibly Our Business Resiliency Management (BRM) team We have developed procedures to bolster our “Our Business aims to prepare, detect and respond effectively to commitment to the Sustainable Development Resiliency Management adverse events and threats that may impact Marsh Goals. When considering proposed engagements process rigorously McLennan’s colleagues, operations and assets. that potentially conflict, in a fundamental way, with assesses the physical these goals, we will review the proposed project to Each of our office locations has a business resiliency evaluate whether the work can proceed. Our Client risk of our o昀케ces and plan which considers the specific risks for that location, Engagement Principles help us navigate an evolving including a range of weather and climate related risks risk landscape and make responsible decisions in identi昀椀es threats.” such as earthquakes, tornadoes, flood, wildfire and our engagement with clients to better serve the Luiz Vitoria, hurricanes. All offices are evaluated and assigned long-term interests of our colleagues, clients and Global Head, Business a Tier from 1–4, ranging from most to least critical. communities. Each of our businesses has developed Resiliency Management Tiers are based on the types of potential incidents, its own procedures for embedding the Principles. the concentration of people, and what is critical in that location. Currently, 50 of our 700 offices are classified The Client Engagement Procedures help guide as Tier 1. colleagues who are not sure whether a new project or piece of business aligns with our Tier 1 and 2 locations are considered critical and Principles. The framework assists colleagues undergo an annual review of location-related in making determinations at a local level and risks, which have the potential to impact business provides a path for them to get guidance from operations and colleague safety. The risk assessment, additional leaders in the organization if necessary. conducted by BRM, identifies relevant risks such as These protocols are reinforced through periodic seismic risk, weather-related threats, and proximity leadership communications. of natural and manmade hazards. Identified risks are reviewed and classified as high, medium or low based on impact and likelihood, and mitigation actions are captured for follow up and implementation. Overview Environment Social Governance Appendix 2022 ESG REPORT 50
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