Hybrid work has the potential to o昀昀er a higher level of 昀氀exibility, a better work-life balance, and a more tailored employee experience. These environments can also have a disproportionately positive impact on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) e昀昀orts, as well as on 7 overall employee performance. For jobs that can be performed remotely, organizations are… 3 2.7 × × more likely to report that more likely to report that remote work has had a remote work has had a positive positive impact on attraction. impact on retention. For jobs that cannot be performed remotely, organizations are… 4.2 2.8 × × more likely to report that more likely to report that remote work has had a negative remote work has had a negative impact on attraction. impact on retention. 2023 Benefits Trends: The evolving workplace 44
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