Global risks landscape: an interconnections map Use of weaponsUse of weapons of mass destructionof mass destruction Interstate conflict Interstate conflict Adverse outcomes Adverse outcomes Use of weapons of frontier technologies Use of weapons of frontier technologies of mass destructionof mass destruction GeoeconomicGeoeconomic Interstate conflictInterstate conflict Adverse outcomesAdverse outcomes confrconfrontationontation Ineffectiveness of Digital power concentrationDigital power concentration WiWidesprdespread cybeead cybercrcrimerime Ineffectiveness of of frontier technologies of frontier technologies GeoeconomicGeoeconomic multilateral institutions and cyber insecurityand cyber insecurity multilateral institutions confrconfrontationontation Ineffectiveness of Widespread cybercrime Ineffectiveness of Digital power concentrationDigital power concentration Widespread cybercrime multilateral institutions and cyber insecurity multilateral institutions Digital inequalityDigital inequality and cyber insecurity Terrorist attacks Terrorist attacks Misinformation and Digital inequalityDigital inequality Misinformation and Terrorist attacks Terrorist attacks disinformation Breakdown of critical disinformation Breakdown of critical The 2023 18th Edition Misinformation and information infrastructure Misinformation and information infrastructure Environmental disinformation Environmental BrBreakdown of criticaleakdown of critical disinformation damage incidents information infrastructure damage incidents information infrastructure Natural disasters and of The Global Risks State collapse Natural disasters and EnvirEnvironmentalonmental State collapse extreme weather extreme weather damage incidents damage incidents Natural disasters andNatural disasters and FailuFailurere to mitigate to mitigate Report—in partnership State collapse climate changeclimate change State collapse extrextreme weathereme weather Large-scaleLarge-scale Failure to mitigate involuntary migrationinvoluntary migration Failure to mitigate climate changeclimate change Large-scale Biodiversity loss andBiodiversity loss and with Marsh McLennan Erosion of social cohesion Large-scale Erosion of social cohesion involuntary migration ecosystem collapseecosystem collapse involuntary migration Biodiversity loss and Biodiversity loss and and Zurich Insurance Erosion of social cohesion Erosion of social cohesion ecosystem collapse Proliferation of illicit ecosystem collapse Proliferation of illicit Failure of Failure of Natural rNatural resouresourcece economic activity economic activity climate-change SeverSevere mentale mental climate-change crises crises adaption Proliferation of illicit adaption Proliferation of illicit Failure of health deteriorationhealth deterioration Failure of Natural rNatural resouresourcece Group—underscores this economic activity economic activity climate-change SeverSevere mentale mental climate-change crises crises adaption health deteriorationhealth deterioration adaption concern and highlights Collapse of a systemically Infectious diseasesInfectious diseases Chronic health conditions Collapse of a systemically Chronic health conditions important supply chain important supply chain Collapse of a systemically Infectious diseases Collapse of a systemically Infectious diseases ChrChronic health conditionsonic health conditions important supply chain a critical in昀氀ection point Employment crisesEmployment crises important supply chain Employment crisesEmployment crises Failure to stabilize price trajectories Collapse or lack of public Failure to stabilize price trajectories of many interconnected Collapse or lack of public infrastructure and services infrastructure and services Debt crises Debt crises Failure to stabilize price trajectories Collapse or lack of public Failure to stabilize price trajectories Collapse or lack of public compounding risks. infrastructure and services infrastructure and services Debt crisesDebt crises PrProlonged economicolonged economic Cost-of-living crisisCost-of-living crisis downturdownturnn Cost-of-living crisisCost-of-living crisis PrProlonged economicolonged economic Asset bubble burstAsset bubble burst Nodes Edges downturdownturnn Risk influence Relative influence Asset bubble burstAsset bubble burst Nodes Edges High High Risk influence Relative influence Medium Medium LowHigh LowHigh Risk categories Economic Environmental Geopolitical Societal Technological Medium Medium Low Low Risk categories Economic Environmental Geopolitical Societal Technological Source: World Economic Forum, Global Risks Perception Survey 2022-2023.
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