Finally, the ever-shifting reality and in昀氀uence of both federal and state administrations continues to impact speci昀椀c areas of healthcare-related legislation. In昀氀ation continues to rise to levels not seen for decades. In general, it’s becoming more di昀케cult to suppress increases for all expenses. However, it remains to be seen how e昀昀ectively the measures the government has implemented to date will curb in昀氀ation. The longer the elevated levels remain, the larger the impact. It’s worth noting that although health care costs have risen more quickly than the Consumer Price Index historically, they are much less volatile. In its own words, the CPI is “a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and and 24% for broad categories occur for health care, an upward services.” As of August 2022, of goods, including food and adjustment of 1%–2% from the CPI has recorded year-over- 4 year increases between 6% energy. Rather than assuming historic levels is more likely. the same level of increase will 2023 Benefits Trends: The evolving workplace 83
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