Third, but equally important, is equity as it relates to both mental and behavioral health parity. The Senate Finance Committee aims to introduce bipartisan legislation in 2023 that addresses behavioral health care issues. Both chambers will continue to work on proposals to expand access and services to include expanding the use of telehealth, supporting employers’ ability to o昀昀er mental health services in employee assistance programs, encouraging the Department of Labor to provide clearer guidance on how to comply with mental health parity rules, and exploring policies to increase network participation by mental health providers. The Mental Health Matters Act would give the Department of Labor more authority to enforce plan requirements under the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act and the Employee Retirement The networks of mental health available care provider. For Income Security Act, ban forced care providers a昀케liated with those patients fortunate enough arbitration agreements when individual insurance plans are to locate a mental health care plans improperly deny bene昀椀ts, woefully inadequate, leaving provider in-network, wait times and ensure a fair standard of most people requiring care are usually so long as to put the review by the courts. with no choice but to 昀椀nd any patient’s life in grave danger. 2023 Benefits Trends: The evolving workplace 82
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