17 Global insurance markets: Financial and professional lines pricing declines 13| Paci昀椀c composite insurance pricing change — by major coverage line Financial and professional lines pricing rose 4%, a decrease from 6% in the prior quarter. • D&O pricing continued to decline; other 昀椀nancial 31% 31% and professional lines pricing increases continued 28% to moderate. 23% • Competition continued to develop, particularly for 18% 18% 18% 20% excess layers, resulting in improved pricing. 13% 15% 15% 14% Cyber insurance remained challenging; however, it y 11% 8% 8% began to stabilize in the quarter as insurers sought to t 5% grow their business in this area. r 4% e p ro – Ransomware continued to dominate the P 18% claims environment. ic 17% f i 15% 15% 15% 15% c a 11% 11% P 9% 8% 10% y 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% lt a u s Ca c i f 51% i c a 49% P 48% 48% 37% 33% 33% 28% 28% 23% 26% 26% 25% 18% 10% 6% RO 4% P N I F ic f i Q3 18 Q4 18 Q1 19 Q2 19 Q3 19 Q4 19 Q1 20 Q2 20 Q3 20 Q4 20 Q1 21 Q2 21 Q3 21 Q4 21 Q1 22 Q2 22 Q3 22 c a P Source: Marsh Specialty and Global Placement