15 Global insurance markets: Financial and professional lines pricing declines Financial and professional lines pricing rose 6% in the third quarter. Stability continued Cyber insurance pricing increased 40%, compared to 50% in the second quarter, as new for D&O liability pricing due to increased capacity and competition from insurers; pricing capacity entered the market. remained generally 昀氀at to low-single digit increases. – Insurers continued to seek to increase retentions in many instances. – Some primary insurers o昀昀ered long-term agreements. – Underwriters continued to require detailed information on cyber risk controls, – Competition was seen across all program layers. particularly regarding ransomware. – Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risk pro昀椀les continued to receive increased – Insurer concerns continued around systemic exposures and accumulation risk. underwriter scrutiny. • For FIs, rate increases continued to moderate, and some clients experienced moderate reductions. • Crime renewal terms continued to stabilize.

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